
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 5 - School... bum bum bummmm!!!!

Haha... well, actually today wasn't as bad as my title seems to relate to you. The first part of the day was actually really fun. :)  Let's see... I cooked my first hot breakfast this morning! (Mom, you'll be proud. lol) I made scrambled eggs (with a tad bit too much milk) with some chicken (that looks like turkey) and some soy sauce... it was sooo good... I'm thinking about making it again tomorrow. :P

After breakfast, we went down back to Christ Church. They have a lovely little garden with lots of benches that they are letting us use for our morning devotions. :)  We had a nice time of worship and then Chelsea (our Dean of Women) shared her testimony. She's such a sweetheart. I love her already! :) (btw-Sosimo is not feeling too well. If you guys could keep him and all of us in prayer for health, that would be wonderful. We are all fighting off different stuff... phoey)

Later on, we went back to the hotel, and we got assigned our M19 project. I'm learning that in Bible College, they abreviate EVERYTHING!! Haha... this M19 mystery thing is just our Christian service class thingy. :P  Basically, we cleaned the hotel. Dayna and I volunteered to clean the receptionist area. We scrubbed and scrubbed, and when it was all done, we were quite proud of what we had accomplished. :) Now the hotel looks so clean, and it smells like that happy clean smell. I love it! This place is now officially my home for these months.

Then we had an amazing lunch that the hotel made for us. :)  It was like a stew of sorts with meatballs, potatoes, onions, and bell peppers.... mmmmmm... getting hungry again!

Then we finally had our first class. It seems like it's going to be interesting, but the classroom was soooo hot and stuffy.... Hopefully tomorrow it'll be better. Thankfully, we are going to have it earlier in the morning rather than at 2:30 in the afternoon... bad time for a class. :P

And THEN, we had evening devotion. (do any of you dare to ask what I had for dinner? :P :P :P) Those we will have only every Tuesday night. It's going to be neat, because we have like an hour of worship divided by a teaching by cool guest teachers. Tonight, Mr. John Stewart taught. He's going to be our Bible teacher for these next two weeks. I learned today that he used to be the vice president of the ICR! (Institute for Creation Research). I can't wait to pick his brain about that. :)  He and his wife really seem to enjoy hanging out and talking to us students. It's pretty awesome.

And lastly, in response to Justus' petition, here is a pic of me and two of my friends at the Damascus Gate. From left to right, there is Dayna, Jordan, and me. :) They are both really fun. Jordan is actually leading worship tomorrow morning for devo. :) She's gonna do awesome, I know it. :)  I'll have to post more pics later, but for now, I'm really tired and we have another day of school tomorrow... I'm waking up early so that I can get as many Chuck tracks done as I can before class starts. Yayyyyy......... :P


p.s. I get to lead worship for devo next Tuesday!!!!! Ahhh!! :D so excited! :D


  1. Hey Victoria!!
    I'm soo glad you're having a great time! It looks amazing there. We'll continue to pray for you guy's and your health. And ok you've made me curious what did you have for dinner???

    With Love,
    Rachel (He.) :P

  2. Victoria,
    You put milk in scrambled eggs???
    Morning devotionals at the garden thing sounds awesome! I hope you all feel better soon!
    Are you sure it was meatballs and not matzah balls?
    So what was your class about? Sorry that it was hot in there :P!
    Your Bible teacher sounds great! I bet you learn a lot! I'm curious about your dinner too!
    WOW! The Damascus gate! That looks so cool! Be careful on that road though (the one to Damascus), you might get hit by a big light :P!
    I hope your leading worship goes well!

  3. Hey Rachel, Beth, and Cass. :) Yes, I like to put milk in my eggs... makes them yummier :P Yeah. I'm really enjoying that format of having the devos :) So refreshing. My class that I'm taking four days a week is about the history of the church starting from the period between the two testaments and up to the early church history. So far, it's quite fascinating.

    @Beth: Haha! Thanks for the advice! :P Though, I have a feeling that since I'm not persecuting God's people, that I have a better chance of not going blind like Saul! :P

  4. I never knew that putting milk in eggs would make them better but someone told me that at church too so I'm glad you had a nice breakfast! Good point...well maybe wear sunglasses just in case...:P
